It’s always easy for us to skip cellphone updates because they can be time consuming. Updating android is a fundamental issue and will always be present. When it comes to the effects of updating android on my phone, there will always be phone lagging, apps that are not working properly and battery drain. It is very frustrating, but I think it has been my routine to update everytime there is an available update.Eventhough I always encounter problems during and after update, I still recommend for you to update your android to its latest version. Why?, simply because it gives you benefits that only the updated version has.
There are several reasons why updating your android is very important. First, it usually fixes problems or issues on your phone that you are not aware of. Second, it fixes bugs.Third,it gives you better compatibility to other apps.
This photo shows why an update is important, it is already stated that once a system update is available, install it, because not doing so will only make you vulnerable to bugs. Always remember that an update is not made for nothing, it may cause you inconvenience but trust me you'll need it in the future.