I used to love this old Nokia 3310 phone back in college. Everyone was talking about it like it was in everybody's wishlist. I remember looking at it from the store's glass phone showcase selling it like it was the best creation in the world.
I did not expect that it's gonna be back in the future of course with the brand new version. But I don't know how people of the new generation will appreciate this kind of cellphone because it might confuse them with this same old brand new cellphone.
The phone is light and thin, and puts a twist on the 2000 version, with a bigger screen and smoother finish.
In terms of functionality, using the click-buttons takes some readjusting, and the central controller is fairly clunky to navigate.
While the phone does have predictive texting, it didn't seem to recognize several words or names, which we had to manually add to the dictionary.
The phone's camera is very low resolution and photos came out grainy. The Nokia 3310 could be a good secondary back-up phone, we don't see many people choosing to use it as their primary device.