Samsung S7 (FLAT) Swollen Battery


New member
Aug 6, 2018
Calling the attention of the owners of Samsung Galaxy S7 here in this forum!

About 9 months ago, I noticed that my case on my phone started lifting. (I bought it a month after the release of the GS7) I removed the case and I saw the back plate coming off the phone. It was just a small cap but I could start to see the internals if I point a flashlight on it. I kept pushing at the back hoping it was just the adhesive that wore off but I couldn't. I started suspecting that it was a swollen battery. A few days later, the battery started failing. It would just randomly start turning off sometimes and it recharged very quick.
I called my carrier which I purchased an insurance from and told me to call the insurance company. They denied my phone being fixed because they only cover man made accidents and not device failing. I was scammed. I went to the nearest Samsung near me but they told me it would take this amount to have it fixed and this amount of time to have it shipped to Samsung Vietnam for repairs. It was blasphemy. I'm living in the Philippines so I just took it to a 3rd party repair center. I had no other choice back then. They ordered a class A spare battery online and they replaced it for about 1/5th of the cost of Samsung repairing it. To my surprise, the battery had already swollen! The guy carefully removed it and when he placed it on his table, the battery popped a hole and started secreting gas. It was a close call. 9 months in, the battery is now starting to show signs. I'm only getting 4 hours with the screen on and charging only takes less than 1 hour now. I'm getting a new phone. Not risking it exploding in my hands or something.

I just wanted to share. This question is just for curiosity. If it was just an isolated incident or did other owners experience the same.


Active member
Jan 27, 2018
There's a lot of factors why the battery is bulging. A bulging battery means it has gas build up inside, it is produced when there is electrochemical oxidation of the electrolyte. To simplify, its heat causing the reaction.

Now it terms of how and why, the factors are over charging or its just a factory defect. I also experienced it on my smartwatch and i found out that chargers can contribute to bulging specially when your charger has a greater ampere than what is recommended or standard of the phone.

If you are using chargers that are none OEM brands, you should first check the specifications before using it. Be sure to use the same capacity and specification as the original to assure safety.

I hope this helps...


New member
Aug 6, 2018
I think what caused my battery to swell up was the fact that I was using Fast Charging. Fast Charging causes your battery to heat up to temperatures beyond what a smartphone could tolerate. I've disabled it ever since and I just dealt with the 30 mins increase in charging time. Better to preserve the life of the battery than to waste it on charging faster.
Plus I feel like Samsung just used the same batteries on the S7 as the Note 7 since they've been doing it for a while (Using the same battery on the S line on the Note line). Though they did not recall the S line when the incidents the Note 7 was happening, there were still reports of the S Line units exploding. I just feel like I got a bad batch of batteries to begin with.
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