If you are encountering this issue, reset your phone by pressing the Power/Lock button for about 10 seconds or until it boots up successfully. This will allow it to refresh its system, and sometimes, this process also solves minor glitches. Make sure that you have uninstalled the apps that you no longer need completely too and that you did not just simply disabled them.
When these fail to solve the problem, try out the solutions below:
1. Move Files to MicroSD Card
Ease up the burden of your internal memory by moving your pictures or videos to your external memory. You can also store them into your computer.
2. Clear App and Browser Cache
3 Remove Erratic Apps
Rouge apps can cause this particular issue too. Uninstall any app that you think is behaving erratically or try to disable the most recent app that you have installed prior to the problem. Then, check if you are still getting the error.
4. Perform Hard Reset
If all else fails, perform a
Hard Reset to undo any harmful changes brought about by third-party apps and free up your memory completely. This will only leave your basic apps after the process so make sure that you have backed up your important files prior.