5 Things Not to Do the first time you use an Android smartphone


Sep 13, 2014
There are some things you should not do if you are using your Android phone for the first time. In this post, I will show you these tips and hopefully it will bring useful information to you.

1. Do not buy a phone that does not support updating
Going back a few years ago, this may not be very interesting but now you have to pay great attention to this point when buying a phone. If you buy a smartphone that has never been updated, it's likely to be vulnerable to operating system vulnerabilities because it's too old.

Imagine if your Android smartphone does not have a software update, you will not be able to upgrade to the latest version and experience the latest features, then you definitely just want to throw it away and again. It costs an extra to buy a new one.

Do not buy a phone that does not support updating. Using an old version will be very boring.

5 Things Not to Do the first time you use an Android smartphone 1.jpg

2. Do not install applications from unknown sources
Installing applications not from the mainstream sources not only affects the device sometimes but secretly withdraw the money from your pocket. So, you need to know these little tips:
- Do not enable the "Unknown Source" option from the settings if you do not know what it is.
- Always install the app from the Google Play Store.
- Follow the two tips above, ensure the device is almost absolute safety. Although Google has done everything to protect users, however, some fake applications may have a way to be listed on shop. But no worries, such applications will be deleted immediately when Google discovers them. However, you should not be subjective, before installing any app for your phone, it's best to read user reviews on app description page to see these apps is reliable or not.

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3. Do not install the official application
Not all applications are designed in the same way, with some running smoothly while others are constantly jerking. If you have a low-cost device you should not install large applications, Facebook application is one of many examples. Find out a little you will know the "short application" is the lite version to make your phone works much more smoothly.

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4. Never save contacts on your phone
We can see, saving contacts on the phone is one of the worst mistakes you can make. All data will "go away no return" when you perform a factory reset or unfortunately lose your phone. Instead, save them on Google or sync your contacts with Google servers. By doing this, you can get your contacts from anywhere just by remembering your ID and password.

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5. Do not permanently delete apps from the recent app menu
Many people claim that removing apps from the recent app menu will make your device run faster, in fact, this is the wrong view, which only slows down your device. Android operating system is capable of efficiently managing RAM. Your phone's performance will not be affected even if you keep dozens of apps running in the background. It will make the application launch faster. And if the device does not need RAM to perform some operations, the operating system will automatically close unused applications to free up RAM.

5 Things Not to Do the first time you use an Android smartphone 5.jpg


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Yes this is true and also dont disable the other apps because system need the other apps that you can disable in app setting. And dont download theme because theme can slow down your mobile phone. and also dont overcharge your battery cellphone lol.

Rodney Olson

Nov 27, 2013
Rodney Olson
Yes this is true and also dont disable the other apps because system need the other apps that you can disable in app setting.
It they are apps that related to systems then you should not delete them if you don't want get any problems with your smartphone. Vice versa, I think you can remove thirty party apps to free up your space and RAM if you don't use them.


New member
Oct 3, 2017
I can definitely second the whole make sure you have the automatic upgrades in tact. For whatever reason mine were not for a long time and sure enough everything was so slow and I had no idea why.


New member
Jan 28, 2018
Thank you for your tips. I have done most of what you have shared like saving my contacts to my phone, installing applications from no where and most of the times I am deleting apps when my phone has slowed down. I'm so shocked to know that my practices doesn't help me in any way.


New member
Feb 20, 2018
Hey! These tips are really great. :)
I am considering buying a new phone this month and your post has given me some really useful information. I'll be keeping your tips in mind when I do buy one. Thanks a ton!


New member
Feb 20, 2018
Never save contacts on your phone
You can save your contacts to the phone , even if you lose it . If you have Google Contacts app. installed in your phone , you can everytime backup your contacts. And as I said before, even if someone steals your phone, I'm sure the thief will not call one of your contacts.
Otherwise, I agree with everything you said, especially about downloading applications from unknown sources. Because today you can also install a normal application with a keylogger, to be serious. So you better download them from Google Play


Active member
Mar 3, 2018
Very useful tips, thank you so much :) And you posted this just in the right time, as i am planning to buy a new phone, an Android one. Can you just elaborate on one thing, i didn't quite understand it. The tip listed as number 5, telling us not to permanently delete apps. Why exactly is that the case, why would it make a phone run slower? Can't really seem to connect all the dots on that one.
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