I've been using a Samsung brand of phone for almost 9 years now. As a Samsung phone user, what I like about Samsung brand are the quality, durability, cost and its features. I know there are a lot of other brand out there that has the same quality as Samsung but for me Samsung's phone good quality started even its name is just starting to grow. Samsung continues to improve the quality as the years passed by and even today's generation they have even a better quality. I like its durability also, because it cannot easily break down even if you did something bad because some of other brands before, if you power off them several times not in a proper way then usually it ended up to stuck on rebooting and you cannot be able to go to at least in the home screen. Unlike to Samsung, even you did something like that to Samsung brand it won't easily go the same way. I believe almost all of the Samsung smartphones' cost is cheaper than the other, though they have expensive but that one has a lot of high end quality and features. And speaking of its features, though the phone is not that expensive it has still a perfect feature as the expensive one. By the way, all of these are just based on my experience of use of Samsung brand. It may not be same as yours but this is just what I thought about Samsung. I hope it helps even just a little.