
  1. BillEssley

    5 steps to enable super performance mode in Windows 10

    In the April 2018 update for Windows 10, Microsoft has added a performance boost mode that is very useful for Windows 10 users, especially on gaming laptops, and that's "Ultimate." Performance ". So how to enable this feature, please follow the article below. 1. Benefits of turning on Ultimate...
  2. gearvita

    Acute Angle AA-B4 Mini PC - Performance As Stable As Triangle

    One of the main problems of modern mini PC is a boring design. As a rule, mini PC is a square or rectangular black box, nothing special or interesting. If you are tired of standard boxes for mini PC, then you can pay attention to the Acute Angle AA-B4, which has an unusual triangular shape...
  3. Chris Crocker

    Tips to improve Performance of your smartphone on iOS

    Smartphones on iOS are less likely to lose performance. Therefore, the user is offered not so many methods to combat this phenomenon. The easiest way to improve the performance of the smartphone on iOS is to free up RAM. For this you need: - Press and hold the power button until the device's...