
  1. Neny

    Happy to be here

    Hello everyone. I'm Neny from Nigeria and I'm very happy being here in this lovely forum where I can learn more about phones and other electronics products. I'm looking forward to reading a lot of articles that I have come to navigating through the site already, so I'm sure of having a...
  2. Rita101

    Hi Everyone

    Hello to all of you in this forum, I'm Rita. It's such a pleasure to be a part of this special community where one can learn a thing or two about phones and electronic gadgets. We are in the era of digital technology, so I see this forum as being a place to discuss a trending...
  3. Willis

    Hi! Hope to see you around!

    Hi guys! I wanted to briefly introduce myself before I dove into posting. I'm Willis a young guy from the beatiful place of Australia. In relation to smart phones I've cycled between a bunch of brands over the years but cannot for the life of me choose only one! I know some people feel very...