Your iPhone has a hidden pro camera feature for capturing light trails – here’s how to use it

If you’re an avid iPhone photographer, you might already be aware of the plethora of camera features that your iPhone comes packed with. But did you know that there’s a hidden pro camera feature that can help you capture mesmerizing light trails in your photos? Yes, that’s right! Your iPhone has a hidden pro camera feature that can make your night-time photography stand out. In this post, we’ll explore what light trails are and how you can use this hidden pro camera feature on your iPhone to capture stunning photos with light trails.

What are light trails?

Light trails are streaks of light captured in a photograph that result from moving light sources. They’re a popular photography technique, often used in night-time photography to create stunning, eye-catching images. The most common light trails are from cars, but they can also be created by other moving objects such as boats, airplanes, and even people.

How to capture light trails with your iPhone:

Capturing light trails with your iPhone may seem daunting, but it’s actually quite simple with the right technique. Here’s how you can use your iPhone’s hidden pro camera feature to capture stunning light trail photos.

Step 1: Open the Camera app and select the “Pro” mode.

To access the pro camera feature on your iPhone, open the Camera app, and swipe left until you reach the “Pro” mode. This mode gives you full control over your camera settings, allowing you to adjust the exposure, ISO, shutter speed, and focus.

Your iPhone has a hidden pro camera feature for capturing light trails - here's how to use it

Step 2: Set a slow shutter speed.

To capture light trails, you’ll need to set your camera’s shutter speed to a slow speed. The longer the shutter stays open, the more light it can capture, creating those stunning light trails. To adjust the shutter speed, tap the shutter speed icon and use the slider to set the desired speed.

Step 3: Use a tripod or stable surface.

When shooting with a slow shutter speed, even the slightest movement can cause the image to blur. To avoid this, it’s essential to use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your iPhone steady.

Step 4: Choose the right location and time.

Choosing the right location and time can make a huge difference in your light trail photos. Look for busy roads or areas with moving objects that can create the light trails. Additionally, it’s best to shoot during the blue hour (just before sunrise or after sunset), as the light is softer, and the contrast is less harsh.

Step 5: Experiment with different settings.

The beauty of the pro camera feature is that it gives you full control over your camera settings. Experiment with different shutter speeds, ISO, and aperture settings to find the perfect balance for your light trail photos. Additionally, you can use the “Live” feature to preview how the photo will look before you take it.


Capturing light trails with your iPhone can take your photography to the next level. With the pro camera feature and the right technique, you can capture stunning photos that will impress your friends and family. Remember to set a slow shutter speed, use a tripod, choose the right location and time, and experiment with different settings. So, next time you’re out and about, give it a try and see what beautiful light trail photos you can create with your iPhone.