How to manage Dark mode on Samsung Galaxy S23

In recent years, the popularity of dark mode has skyrocketed, and for a good reason. Not only does it give your phone a sleek, modern look, but it can also save battery life, reduce eye strain, and even help you fall asleep faster. If you’re using a Samsung Galaxy S23, you may be wondering how to manage dark mode on your device. Fortunately, it’s easy to do, and in this post, we’ll walk you through the steps.

First, let’s start with the basics. Dark mode is a setting that changes the color scheme of your phone’s interface from light to dark. Instead of white backgrounds and black text, you’ll see black backgrounds and white or colored text. Dark mode is available on many apps and websites, and it’s especially useful when using your phone in low-light environments.

How to manage Dark mode on Samsung Galaxy S23

To turn on dark mode on your Samsung Galaxy S23, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your phone’s settings app.
  2. Tap “Display.”
  3. Scroll down and tap “Dark mode.”
  4. Toggle the switch next to “Dark mode” to turn it on.

That’s it! Your phone will now display a dark interface, and you’ll notice that the settings menu, notifications, and other system apps have changed their color scheme.

But what if you only want to use dark mode at certain times of the day or in specific apps? Samsung Galaxy S23 offers several customization options for dark mode that you can adjust to your liking. Here’s how:

  1. Open your phone’s settings app.
  2. Tap “Display.”
  3. Scroll down and tap “Dark mode.”
  4. Tap “Schedule.”
  5. Choose whether you want to use dark mode “Always,” “Based on sunrise and sunset,” or “Custom schedule.”

If you choose “Custom schedule,” you can set the specific times you want dark mode to turn on and off. For example, you might choose to use dark mode from 8 pm to 6 am every day.

If you only want to use dark mode in certain apps, Samsung Galaxy S23 lets you do that too. Here’s how:

  1. Open your phone’s settings app.
  2. Tap “Display.”
  3. Scroll down and tap “Dark mode.”
  4. Tap “Turned on by the app.”
  5. Toggle on the switch next to each app you want to use dark mode.

Now, when you open those apps, they’ll use a dark interface, even if you have dark mode turned off system-wide.

But what about apps that don’t have a dark mode option? Samsung Galaxy S23 has a feature called “Force Dark mode” that can automatically turn any app’s interface dark. Here’s how to enable it:

  1. Open your phone’s settings app.
  2. Tap “Developer options.” If you don’t see this option, go to “About phone” and tap “Software information” seven times to unlock developer options.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Simulate color space.”
  4. Choose “Monochromacy.”
  5. Toggle on the switch next to “Force Dark mode.”
  6. Restart any apps that you want to apply the change.

Please note that force Dark mode may not work perfectly in all apps, and may cause some graphical glitches in specific cases.

In conclusion, Samsung Galaxy S23 offers plenty of customization options for dark mode, allowing you to adjust it to your liking. Whether you want to use dark mode all the time or only in specific apps or times of the day, Samsung Galaxy S23 makes it easy to manage. With these steps, you’ll be enjoying a more comfortable and energy-efficient phone experience in no time.